Our genetic code has two aspects that resonate together to create the traits that express.  We inherit many of our subconscious beliefs and our DNA blueprint from past generations.  This is the yin aspect: the female, being side of our genetic expression.  The other aspect comes from our environment we grow up in and the epigenetic influence our experiences have on which genes express.  This is the yang aspect: the male, doing side of our genetic expression.

yin yang blessed by musicTogether the yin and yang of genetics and epigenetics resonate to manifest what traits express themselves.  The being of inheritance and the doing of experience harmonize within the core of every cell in our bodies.

This knowledge is the key to unlocking the mysteries of who we are and who we want to be. With tools and techniques like energy healing, music, and EFT meridian tapping we can explore the patterns that we wish to change or tune up.  Approaching both aspects of our genetic expression empowers us to create the optimum lives we dream of.

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