If you’re like us, you find it easier to be fully present and focused when having an in-person conversation than talking over the phone. Why is that? Well, when present there are physical cues in body language, facial expressions, and energetic feelings in eye contact that indicate emotional states. Over the phone you can’t hear someone rolling their eyes or welling up with silent tears, and it’s harder to perceive subtle vocal inflections that indicate questioning or understanding. In person there’s immediate feedback to read each other’s energy to guide your conversation.

micDiscerning whether the conversation’s energy matches the physical and emotional cues – that’s the energetics of engagement. Understanding this leads to a more complete and authentic exchange. When you are aware and adjust to the energetics of the conversation, they feel listened to and engaged, and that builds your rapport with them. A genuine emotional connection takes place when there is an authentic exchange.

Think of your event as a conversation instead of a presentation

This is the basis for our approach to songs and messaging during our live performances. We share our music with the audience rather than performing “to” them. We always intend for an exchange of energy and invite the audience to be active listeners in the musical conversations.

A conversation has integrated lines of communication with an audience whereas a presentation is one-way, directed outward toward an audience. When the audience feels listened to, they feel that you’re interested in them and it’s easier for them to stay fully present with you, building a basis for a trusting relationship.

A conversational approach to your event keeps the audience fully present and focused while building trust and familiarity. Good information and helpful answers may not be enough to gain the best results from your event. Often times, a higher level of emotional connection is needed to feel enough trust and support to move into inspired action with you. Building a general rapport initiates greater sales and more productive clients. Using the energetics of engagement builds the emotional connection that inspires people enough to take the next step in their relationship with you.

When we collaborate with conscious entrepreneurs, we look at their presentation theme and unique talents and give several ideas on how to interject musical engagement with their audience. Contact us to learn more about how we can support you by integrating live music at your event.

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