When creating our song arrangements, we look at the words and emotional intent and discuss the feelings that we want to convey to the listener.

Dianem and Jage rehearsal

Dianem and Jage rehearsal

The accompaniment creates the emotional environment for the song.  Most published sheet music for piano and voice has the piano playing the melody, and frequently overshadows the vocalist.  So we use the sheet music just as a guide and create arrangements unique to us.  A good accompaniment provides a balance between supporting the lead vocal and leaving freedom for the vocalist’s expression.  It opens up the arrangement’s emotional freedom for both of us.

A skilled accompanist is actively listening and adjusting as the performance manifests, always allowing for new possibilities within the planned arrangement.  Sometimes our best ideas are inspired as we improvise or try new directions together at a performance.

Even after 20 years as a duo, we really enjoy this creative process!

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