Life is not about finding our limitations, it’s about finding our infinity. ~ Herbie Hancock

Herbie Hancock
Those are great words to celebrate Herbie Hancock’s birthday (April 12th).

Herbie Hancock is a musician who expands musical genres by transcending their preconceived limitations.  He’s a pioneer in jazz fusion, electronic jazz, and has bridged many styles over his five decades of creating award winning music.

Don’t be afraid to expand yourself, to step out of your comfort zone. That’s where the joy and the adventure lie.

I first saw Herbie Hancock in the 80’s on PBS hosting a show called “Rock School” that educated me on playing the many varieties within the rock genre.  Only recently have I discovered his presentations on Buddhism and creativity.  It’s exciting to find him talking about lessons in life as well as lessons in music.  It doesn’t surprise me that I resonated with him early on.

I think there’s a great beauty to having problems. That’s one of the ways we learn.

From new perspectives on music to new perspectives on life challenges, Herbie has educated me through words, music, and example. He’s a musician truly aware of the intuition and empathy of the moment.

You are the most powerful in the moment. You create the future when you are in the moment.

Herbie Hancock was an early influence on me musically.  Now it’s wonderful to hear his take on spiritual matters, affirming what I have come to know.  I couldn’t limit myself to just one quote from him.

We are all artists playing the music, writing the script, or painting the picture of our lives.

I would say we are all blessed by music. – Jage

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