Empowerment word of today = Alacrity. –noun, definition – Cheerful readiness / Lively enthusiasm.

I love the vibrational power of alignment, and the personal empowerment received when we increase our awareness of ourselves as vibrationally energetic in a vibrational universe. I love words; words contain multi-dimensions of vibrational resonance. How we align our energy and words matters greatly in opening a pathway to expanded awareness of our emotions and present feelings of joy and well-BEing. Love / well-being is always flowing to us in currents of energy.


I am cheerfully ready to feel well-being resonating within me.
I receive and allow the invitation to my joy and full expression with Alacrity. Being present with Alacrity offers me a wonderful, loving, powerful resonance of personal evolution in continuous alignment with well-BEing.


Cheerful readiness

~ Dianem Singer

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