We were able to get an IPad clip of our original song “Embrace The Unknown” from its first time performance at our September Empowerment Concert. Within a section of the concert where we talked about EFT tapping and how it has empowered our lives, we included this song tapping exercise.

Jage – “I noticed I used tapping especially when going into a new situation, or where the thought of failure was impeding my desire to expand. I wrote this song for me to use with tapping to release that impedance, move the energy, and allow myself to try, knowing I can always try again.”

During the concert we infused working through an intention of releasing fear with the tapping points while listening to our song. We followed it up with a discussion of transforming our perspectives relating to fear, and the wisdom it has for us.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaFWq4YG8mY[/embedyt]


If you’d like to learn more about Emotional Freedom Technique meridian tapping, we recommend The Tapping Solution as a great place to start.

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