Wheel of Fortune tarot

Wheel of Fortune

“Do you believe in luck?” isn’t the question I’m really asking, but “Do you feel lucky?” has too much Clint Eastwood to it.

Many times there’s a difference in what I believe and how I feel about something. I may believe that I’m pretty lucky to have an awesome wife, own a home, get paid for playing piano, and more. But if I’m feeling the doubt from a string of “bad luck” or hearing about how mercury retrograde will sabotage my plans, my subconscious alignment with feelings of misfortune could have a stronger resonance than my conscious alignment with fortune.

The key is to tune in to the feelings of fortune and luck on the inside. Feeling positive gratitude for what’s in my life is enough on it’s own, and that resonance will have the universe echoing back more for me to feel positively grateful about.

Dianem & JageOn Friday the 13th of May, our Empowerment Concert is all about redefining luck. If you want more resonance with luck and empowerment in your life, come join us as we perform songs to take us deeper into the feelings of fortune and luck. We’ll be sharing more on energy tools and holistic concepts that have made incredible changes in our lives. We’ve used music and these techniques to turn around our health and enhance our outlook on life. Join us for an evening of entertainment, education, and empowerment.

Click Here to learn more about our Empowerment Concerts at Metamorphosis Center in Burnsville, Minnesota.

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