Music is here in an abundance to support us in feeling and understanding our unique harmony. Music by its vibratory essence, has within it healing properties, frequencies that assist us in bringing out and creating a miraculous life. Our bodies too (the physical and energetic), are the same; by their vibratory essence, we contain the ability to resonate with healing frequencies and impart guidance and wisdom to our conscious mind for inspired action of our highest well-being.

Everything is Energy We are all Blessed by Music. We can intend ease, we can co-create Flow with tools of self-empowerment. Songs can be enacted as focus tools of resonant empowerment, and that’s what we love to share.

We are looking forward our Empowerment Concert at Metamorphosis Center in Burnsville Friday 23 at 8:00pm

Blessed by Music Empowerment Concert

Theme: Creating Ease & Flow.

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