Meditation has become a regular and cherished part of our lives.

Many meditation techniques focus on the breath. Our breath is a gateway between the conscious and subconscious. We can either choose to influence our breath rate, or allow our bodies to breathe naturally. Either way when we’re aware of our breath rate and the sensations of inhaling and exhaling, we become present in our bodies and in the moment. Focusing on the breath and the present moment, reduces the stress in our bodies and minds, empowering us to make better choices and allowing our bodies to heal.

We’ve created a breathwork meditation song that focuses on tuning in to the heart and breath. It does so through lyrical attention, rhythmic entrainment, singer intention, and music energetics. The music helps harmonically sustain the focus of attention while turning inward to breath, letting go of tensions, and connecting with the “now” moments.

Many times I breathe to this song before going into a silent meditation. Other times I listen to this song as a way to balance my thinking and body during a stressful or challenging time. If I’m faced with something that worries me, I put this song on as a way to be compassionate to myself and take some “me” time. The song is a nice length so when it finishes I feel relaxed, centered, and I can think clearly again.

We found that we had the perfect video to use from one of our vacations. It’s nice to have relaxing ocean wave video along with the song.


We suggest beginning with: inhale 4 counts, hold 4-8 counts, exhale 4 counts. Then extend the counts out during the song so you are taking comfortably long, slow, deep breaths. Any pranayama practice works well.

The rhythms of the song are designed to entrain both heart rate and breathing rate. The “Ah” vowel resonates with the heart chakra while the tonal center of the song (key of C) resonates with the root chakra.

This helps us, and we hope it helps you relax and breathe, and connect with your heart 

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