How expressive music and EFT empowered me with holistic healing

In October I began having periods of excruciating abdominal pain. I would lie down and the pain would fade gradually, so I didn’t know if it was digestive, muscular, allergic, or what. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with an umbilical hernia. I was given the choice between an operation to patch it up with mesh, or to live with it by pushing my innards back in whenever it hurt. The live with it option also meant if I couldn’t push it back in I would have to have the operation immediately. I decided to schedule the operation rather than cope with it and have a potential inconvenient blow out.

It was similar to another decision I had to make in 2005 after I had recovered from surgery that removed a large brain tumor. I was given the choice between 5 weeks of radiation therapy or waiting as the remaining bits of tumor slowly grew into a problem and then taking action. The doctors assured me the tumor remains would grow and I would have issues, it was just a matter of time. So I decided to schedule the radiation to deal with it rather than wait for the complications and have to react urgently.

Those choices to take on an issue in my own time rather than waiting for a blow out crisis situation and reacting, are the same choices I face when it comes to subconscious beliefs that don’t serve me and shadow work. I’m given the choice to either live with the limitations, doubt, and discomfort as I wait for an emotional trigger that forces me to deal with it, or I can use my holistic toolkit to feel and heal; to process and grow stronger.

Empowered with music, EFT tapping, and dynamic awareness skills, I choose to schedule the emotional processing and resolution. The more I do it, the less power those “difficult” feelings and beliefs have over me. I get through the darkness feeling some resolution rather than avoiding triggers and redirecting thoughts until it’s a crisis.

Dynamic awareness helps me identify how I’m feeling, even when my mind tries to avoid “negative” thinking. We teach about dynamic awareness at our Blessed by Music events. It helps me discover the subconscious beliefs that helped me survive growing up but no longer serve me.

It’s scary to dive into the dark subconscious motivation. In the past I would avoid those negative emotions if I had the choice. I would rather smile and move on. But now I know that avoiding shadows holds me back from fully expressing myself and being me. I schedule the operation rather than wait for the blow out.

I use expressive music to bring back the feelings and connect with the dissonance. I apply EFT tapping to release the emotional block and move the energy toward resolution. During the process I fully experience the energy of the feelings and let them express without judging them. It’s the time for me to be and feel openly in a safe environment. I’ve always gained insight and felt lighter after the EFT tapping process. I feel empowered knowing I’m not a victim to my story, waiting for a trigger to set me off. I can choose to process, heal, and grow stronger, and I can choose when.

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