Happy Birthday to Herbie Hancock

Happy Birthday to Herbie Hancock

Life is not about finding our limitations, it’s about finding our infinity. ~ Herbie Hancock Those are great words to celebrate Herbie Hancock’s birthday (April 12th). Herbie Hancock is a musician who expands musical genres by transcending...
Music To Celebrate

Music To Celebrate

During the holiday season we hear celebratory music from all around us: TV, stores, radio, events, all with the specific intent of celebrating. Now that the holiday season is over, it’s easy to forget how simple it is to inspire our own joy by putting on a song...
Music To Celebrate


I find it interesting that a New Years resolution is almost the opposite of a “resolution” in musical terms. The New Years resolution is a commitment to a new change – a promise to do things a certain way from now on. A musical resolution is a...

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