Welcome 2018!

Welcome 2018!

We hope everyone is off to a great start in 2018. We really enjoyed a lot of new opportunities and firsts in 2017. We’re very excited about continuing this momentum in the upcoming year! We’re looking forward to returning to Lake Harriet Spiritual...
Creating Ease & Flow through Music and Intention

Creating Ease & Flow through Music and Intention

Music is here in an abundance to support us in feeling and understanding our unique harmony. Music by its vibratory essence, has within it healing properties, frequencies that assist us in bringing out and creating a miraculous life. Our bodies too (the physical and...
Well-being and Music Engagement in Concert

Well-being and Music Engagement in Concert

I love it when a new music study comes out, that shows what I already believe has a measurable significance. It confirms just how much an impact music can have, it spreads awareness to others, and in cases like this new study it shows me how to get even more out of...
Choosing When

Choosing When

How expressive music and EFT empowered me with holistic healing In October I began having periods of excruciating abdominal pain. I would lie down and the pain would fade gradually, so I didn’t know if it was digestive, muscular, allergic, or what. I went to the...

Ringing in the New Year

As 2015 comes to a close, we are grateful for all that the year has brought us, and look forward to continued expansion in 2016.  We’re resonating joyful energy to you through our smiles. Happy New Year and best wishes to you for dreams come true!!

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