Learning Through Music

Learning Through Music

I’ve learned most of what I know about expression through music. Music has taught me how to listen to what is, align my mind with my heart, and resonate in the present moment. Leonard Bernstein once said “The best way to know a thing is in the context of...


“Being must be felt, it can’t be thought” ~Eckhart Tolle I quite agree! There is expansive, resonant, vibrational energy within BEing. Also, BEing authentic is my most powerful yet gentle presence. Presence co-creates our fullest expressed life of...
Happy Birthday to Herbie Hancock

Happy Birthday to Herbie Hancock

Life is not about finding our limitations, it’s about finding our infinity. ~ Herbie Hancock Those are great words to celebrate Herbie Hancock’s birthday (April 12th). Herbie Hancock is a musician who expands musical genres by transcending...
Inner Harmony

Inner Harmony

Even a few loving, powerful, caring people can elevate the world. All expansions in consciousness have been started and carried through by a few people who simply began from where they were, and moved with inspired actions gaining momentum as they grew. Every single...

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