New Me, New Each Day

New Me, New Each Day

Possibilities, Purpose and Promise within each vibrant day I have moved emotionally, energetically, and physically into Knowing that possibilities are flowing to us, in a field of vibrational, energetic possibilities (insert my long interesting, marvelous personal...
Empowerment word = Alacrity

Empowerment word = Alacrity

Empowerment word of today = Alacrity. -noun, definition – Cheerful readiness / Lively enthusiasm. I love the vibrational power of alignment, and the personal empowerment received when we increase our awareness of ourselves as vibrationally energetic in a...


“Being must be felt, it can’t be thought” ~Eckhart Tolle I quite agree! There is expansive, resonant, vibrational energy within BEing. Also, BEing authentic is my most powerful yet gentle presence. Presence co-creates our fullest expressed life of...
Heroes and Heroines

Heroes and Heroines

To me a hero is someone you deeply resonate with who raises you up, and expands you to feel more powerful, inspired, and enriched. Someone who helps you to know truth, who strikes a chord within your heart & soul and brings you to feeling goosebumps, and also...

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