“Being must be felt, it can’t be thought” ~Eckhart Tolle

inner harmony BlessedbyMusic.comI quite agree! There is expansive, resonant, vibrational energy within BEing. Also, BEing authentic is my most powerful yet gentle presence. Presence co-creates our fullest expressed life of Well-BEing.  Feeling the NOW and being in presence is more readily, renew-ably available to us as we understand it as allowing & receiving the awareness of our vibrant energy. It’s within the vibrational energy of emotions & feelings that we become more available to the fullness of BEing and the gentle power of Now presence.

The word Resonance helps me to know this BEing concept more clearly. Resonance is constant Being in energetic flux, It’s a vibrational oscillation within us and all the universe, it is an energetic presence of relationships. Therefore we can feel it, attune with it, and be aware of a power in presence and being that is alive within us and all there is.

It’s my joy to speak and sing of my experience of coming to feel & know my Well-BEing, and share how understanding resonance can empower us all to be authentically in our presence.

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