Yin Yang Genetic Resonance

Yin Yang Genetic Resonance

Our genetic code has two aspects that resonate together to create the traits that express.  We inherit many of our subconscious beliefs and our DNA blueprint from past generations.  This is the yin aspect: the female, being side of our genetic expression.  The other...
This Is My Brain On Pianos

This Is My Brain On Pianos

Recently I’ve been learning more about the left and right sides of the brain. The piano keyboard has a pretty intuitive design. I already knew that the left side of my brain ties to the right side of my body, and the right side of my brain ties to the left side...
Levels Of Musicality

Levels Of Musicality

Musicality in Performance There are different ways to think about musicality. When I think about the musicians I enjoy listening to or performing with, my own definition becomes clear to me. I think that their musicality isn’t in how perfectly they execute a...

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