To me a hero is someone you deeply resonate with who raises you up, and expands you to feel more powerful, inspired, and enriched. Someone who helps you to know truth, who strikes a chord within your heart & soul and brings you to feeling goosebumps, and also cleansing tears that enable you to feel more open, more alive with purpose, and vibrantly empowered as love energy in the world. I want to bask in their energy and wisdom and soak it all up so I can emulate, radiate it and then create it in my own understanding and expressed actions feeling purposeful an blessed.

Raising consciousness of human potential matters deeply to me, it’s my healing and my impassioned joy-filled work demonstrated through a musical lens.

He spoke musically, he wrote music, he spoke truth, he spoke empowerment, he entertained, shared stories, listened well, championed positivity and love. I strive for these qualities in my life and my “new” expanded life’s work with Blessed by Music

The clip here is demonstrating one of my heroes Mr. Fred Rodgers, in action outside of his usual stage setting, speaking truth with authenticity, passion and eloquence. Listen all the way through, and you may find, as I did, additional inspiration for expanding our truth, love, genuine power, and purpose, to truly feel satisfaction, well-being and creatively present with happiness in the world.


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