Synapse and Sound

“Synapse and Sound”

The world is becoming aware of the resonant power of intention, and how its energetic influence can impact our material, physical environment. Intention yields results.

We see the energy of intention creating measurable changes in quantum physics, the placebo effect, and sound healing.

Quantum Physics

The famous “double-slit” experiment in quantum physics made it apparent that the scientists conducting the experiments were part of the results. Whether or not they measured the process of shooting a photon through two slits determined if they ended up with a wave-like or a particle-like pattern. This was true even if they randomly selected which experiments to measure after they were completed. Their intention of measuring impacted the resulting physical behavior of the photons in the experiments.

Placebo Effect

In clinical trials many people get healing results from the “medicine” as sugar pills, similar to or better than those given the medicinal drug that is being tested. This placebo effect shows how our physical bodies respond to our intentions and generate the chemicals needed when we believe we have the cure for an ailment. It’s interesting that from 1990 to 2013 positive placebo responses increased while drug responses remained stable, according to a PubMed article.

Sound Healing

Author, musician, and teacher Jonathan Goldman traveled the world researching the frequency systems that different Shamans, healers, and practitioners used in sound healing. He found that systems used different energetic frequencies and materials but still achieved beneficial results. Jonathan realized how intentionality impacts the outcome of the sound, and in his teachings he emphasizes the importance of intention: “Frequency + Intent = Healing”

Intention is a challenging energy to measure scientifically. Even so it continues to become more apparent how the resonance of our intention is powerful and impactful.

We enjoy speaking about intention and resonance as it relates to well-being. We infuse our talks with musical performance, and demonstrate how anyone can apply music to align with their intentions.

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