We invite you to a unique music event at 8:00 PM on September 23rd, at Metamorphosis Center.  Blessed by Music™ Empowerment Concerts blend inspiring messages with a variety of live music in alignment with a theme. September’s concert theme is “Finding Ease and Flow”, to expand harmony in all areas of our lives.

We would all welcome more ease and flow in our lives, right? When we align our inner resonance, the world naturally moves to resonate with us. We’ll celebrate how we are all blessed by music to empower the life of our dreams.

Our performance style includes a fusion of inspirational songs, personal stories of transformation, and information on energetic music principles. Our aim is to uplift and inspire our audiences through healing messages and songs.  There’s an expansive availability for self-empowerment in the music all around us.

Music has innate healing qualities, including the ability to hold our energetic focus for longer periods of time.  We’ve all experienced music that energizes, inspires, and soothes us. Music heals us in many ways, and it’s of great benefit when we use it to focus our attention towards personal development and inner wisdom consciousness. The songs we select for Empowerment Concerts quickly put us in touch with our energetic and emotion systems. Music helps reveal where we can expand our potential for even more creativity and joy in our lives. Harmonizing our attention with our intention brings a wealth of healing and self-empowerment.

Join us for a one-of-a-kind fun evening that explores creating the inner resonance of ease and flow.  You’ll leave feeling entertained, expanded, and empowered!

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